What Qualifies as a Personal Injury Case in Minnesota?

November 30, 2022by admin0

While the laws governing personal injury are similar across the United States, it is important to recognize the specifics for each state. Everyone from a practicing personal injury attorney to their clients must be completely aware of them to ensure the expeditious handling of personal injury cases. In Minneapolis, Duluth and Saint Paul, the personal injury laws of Minnesota are applicable.

What are Personal Injuries in Minnesota?

In Minnesota, a personal injury case is based upon harm – physical, emotional and financial, resulting from one or more of the following causal factors:

  • Negligence
  • Medical malpractice
  • Reckless behavior

Common examples of such incidents include:

  • Slip and falls
  • Dog bites
  • Daycare injuries
  • Nursing home abuse
  • Vehicular accidents including cars, trucks, bicycles and motorcycles
  • Workplace trauma

When such incidents occur, a personal injury attorney will work with you to file a compensation claim.

Specific Legal Restrictions in Minnesota

An injury lawyer in Saint Paul, MN knows what specific restrictions are made upon diverse aspects of personal injury case law. These include the statute of limitations. In addition, in cities such as Duluth and Minneapolis, your personal injury attorney will explain, if applicable, about “modified comparative negligence.” Both may impact your case. In the state of Minneapolis, you need to talk to a specialist in personal injury law. To increase your chances of success, contact the team of professionals at Metro Law Offices, Ltd. They will do more than listen. They will bring dedication, experience and expertise to every aspect of your case. To learn more, visit them online at https://www.metrolawoffices.com/.

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