Every car accident injury is different. Some are more serious than others. We start with a consultation to find out what type of pain you’re experiencing. The doctors at HURT 911 give you a thorough examination to diagnose your injuries and find out how severe they are.
They will determine what type of diagnostic testing you need, such as an X-ray, MRI, or CAT scan. If the doctor thinks it’s necessary to get a more in-depth look at your injury, he will order a MRI or CAT scan. Once the personal injury doctor determines the severity of your injuries, he will come up with a treatment plan that works for you.
Going to the chiropractor after a car accident is highly recommended. There are many benefits to starting treatment early. One of those benefits is stopping the use of prescription medication or not needing to use pain medication to begin with in some cases. Chiropractic care can relieve pain, promote faster healing and prevent many injuries from getting worse. Some additional benefits of chiropractic care are below.
Many car accident injuries cause long term issues like re-injury and chronic pain. Going to the chiropractor right after a car accident or within 72 hours is ideal.
When you start your chiropractic treatment you experience pain relief, better mobility and in many cases long term healing without the use of pain medication.Traumatic injuries can make muscles more prone to re-injury, but with the use of specially designed exercises to improve flexibility and to help strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine, you have a much better chance for long term recovery and a positive outcome. Chiropractic care plays a vital role in restoring health and promoting healing.
Car accidents are unexpected, and they can be traumatic psychologically and physically. Not many people realize that injuries from a car accident can take time to develop. You may think you’re okay right after the accident, and then a few days or even weeks later, you start to feel painful symptoms of an injury or multiple injuries. That’s why it’s important to go to the emergency room or a car accident doctor right after the accident to assess your injuries.
Soft tissue injuries from an accident tend to be acute injuries, including contusions, sprains, strains, bruises, joint, and ligament sprains. These types of injuries can cause symptoms like stiffness, soreness, swelling, and inflammation.
A herniated disc, also referred to as a bulged or slipped disc, is a fragment of the disc that is pushed out into the spinal canal. The symptoms vary. Herniated discs can cause mild to severe back and neck pain.
A car accident can cause broken bones in any part of the body. The most common are the wrist, arm, leg, rib, hip, pelvis, spine, and skull fractures.
Whiplash is a neck injury resulting from a very quick back and forth motion causing headaches, neck pain, and stiffness. If it isn’t treated, the pain and symptoms can get worse causing long-term pain and complications. In the most extreme cases, whiplash can cause severe spinal injuries that can be permanently disabling or deadly.
Spinal injuries include whiplash, herniated and ruptured discs, and fractures. Diagnostic tests for spinal cord injuries may include a CT scan, MRI or X-ray. These tests will help the doctors get a better look at abnormalities within the spinal cord to see exactly where the spinal cord injury has occurred.
Traumatic brain injuries are common after an auto accident. They tend to result after a strong force hits or fractures the skull. It’s also possible to experience a concussion, which happens when the brain moves inside the head, striking the interior of the skull because of a quick stopping motion.